Heal Your Hips

Happy Hips= Happy Life

In my Heal Your Hips Program, I will help you go from feeling restricted & limited by your body, to being strong & free to do all of the activities that you love.

Even if you feel like you have tried everything- doctors, massage, acupuncture, physical therapy- and nothing has helped- I know that this is the missing piece!

I healed my hips after a doctor told me to just give up dancing. Don't give up hope just yet - I'm going to teach you how to heal your hips, for good!

Let me guess… This Sounds Like You:






You're frustrated because your hip flexors always feel tight, but stretching never gives you lasting relief.  You're ready to finally see an improvement, get real results, and you can't wait to feel good in your body again.


You're exhausted not only from the constant pain, but you're at your wits end trying to figure out how to get better on your own. You want a trusted expert to lead you through the process and take away the guesswork.


You feel so stiff & restricted in your movement that you can't squat down to pick up your spouse's socks from the floor  (Seriously, why can't they use a hamper?). You're ready to stop being limited by your body so you can do everything that you want to do without worrying about the consequences.


Your hips ache after standing in the kitchen cooking dinner for your family.
You're ready to stop feeling twice your age and for movement to feel easy again!

All kinds of people experience hip pain that restricts them from living their life day in and day out the way that they want to. Whether you are a dancer, athlete, teacher, or stay at home parent, the path to moving effortlessly and reducing pain begins at the hips.

'Heal Your Hips' is my tried-and-true system to give you back the freedom in your body and your life so that you can do any activity that you want. 

Alyssa’s 8-week Hip Program made my hips & my back feel amazing! I started noticing an improvement in my hips in class 2. The snapping issue in my right hip got better & better throughout the classes. Not only are my hips feeling more stable and my range of motion improved, but also my abs and my shoulders feel stronger after each class. The fascial movements in the classes opened up the front and back of my body. My whole body always felt amazing after each class!"

Porsha W.


Imagine how incredible it will be to feel strong & confident in your body and actually have hips that you can count on!

I know that when you are in the thick of dealing with an injury or a chronic issue, it may seem like you will never get past it.  But I am here to be the light at the end of your tunnel and remind you that you don’t have to settle and accept your limitations as "Normal".

Imagine how amazing it's going to feel to…
get a good night's sleep without tossing & turning all night because of your hip discomfort.
to wake up actually feeling rested because you slept through the night.
to be excited to tackle your day full of activities that you don't have to be fearful of doing anymore.

Take a moment and picture how much fuller your life will be when you can go for a long walk, accomplish your goal of running a 5k, get on the floor to play with your pet with ease, dance at your best friends wedding, all without worrying about the consequences of actually enjoying living your life. What will you do with your movement freedom?

It’s not your fault you don’t have Strong & Healthy Hips. These are 3 things working against you: 


Lack of Guidance- You are constantly saving workout videos on Instagram & TikTok, but you never revisit them because you don't have someone to guide and cue you through the movement to make sure you are doing it right or tell you if that exercise will even help you get better. 


Only Treating the Symptoms- The previous things that you have tried didn't take into consideration how the entire body works together. Remember, just because you are feeling discomfort in your hips doesn't mean that is where the issue is coming from. 


You Need More Strengthening- Massage, Stretching & foam rolling, feel great and are beneficial to the body, but they don't help with gaining strength and improving your alignment so your joints have support. 

Why ‘Heal Your Hips’  is Different

You will never be alone in this program! I will not only be doing the movement with you in the video, but I will be cueing you through your alignment and common mistakes that can occur. And I am always an email/DM away if you have any questions!

No more band-aids! Lets fix the underlying cause of the problem! I strategically built this program to address the entire body and progressively build your strength and body awareness. You won't just be doing hip exercises! 

This program includes strength based exercises as well as active mobility work & fascial movements, so you get the benefit and the result of stretching, but you have the strength to support your joints.

Oh yeah…I've been there!

 The good news? You don't have to figure it out on your own!

Hi, I'm  Alyssa!

I’m a ballet dancer turned Pilates instructor and hip pain is something I am all too familiar with. From a labral cartilage tear and hip surgery when I was 17, to snapping hip syndrome, to hip flexor tendonitis, pinching in my hips, and stiffness, I have experienced it all! Most importantly, Pilates is what healed me from all of those issues and it can do the same for you!

I’ve been teaching Pilates for over 10 years, and have been practicing for over 17. I work primarily with 1:1 private clients on healing pain and injuries, and with dancers & athletes (NFL & NBA) on being able to move with intention, improve their technique, & optimize their performance. Over the past decade, I’ve gathered 10 certifications & accreditations, and countless other courses to become the most effective Instructor I can be. You can read more about my certifications and trainings here.

Here's what happened to me when I healed my hips…

I was able to do the things that brought me joy again 

Dancing and being active was something that gave me so much joy, and I was heart broken when I was told I might not be able to dance anymore. Through Pilates and hip strengthening, I was able to dance with ease and felt so much happier. 

I built confidence and was no longer afraid of little things sparking an injury 

Building strength helped me to become more confident within my body and start living a fuller life. I used to be so nervous that any little movement would cause an injury, and once I built up my strength, I trusted my body more to take on new challenges.

I got my time back 

So much life opened up for me when I was able to stop spending so much time at doctors, using my foam roller, and trying to research how to get my life back. I was able to live and spend my time doing the things that made me happy. 

Introducing ‘Heal Your Hips’

The go-to program for stronger, happier, & healthier hips!

I'm going to give you the exact progression of exercises that I can say with confidence will heal your body. 

While the focus of this program is to heal your hips, improve strength & mobility, and reduce your pain, I understand that the whole body is connected and must be treated with that in mind. Some of the main elements we will focus on in addition to the hips are core strength & stabilization, spinal mobility, shoulder placement, and body awareness.

No more band-aid solutions! Lets address the root cause of the problem once and for all! 

Flash forward 8 weeks from now.

Just picture what's going to be possible for you when you have the exact method to get strong, flexible, pain-free hips from an expert that has been through the process herself! 


Get back to doing all of the activities that you love! Want to run again? You can do it! Want to play tennis without feeling broken after? I got you!


You won't only get stronger by going through this program, but with that strength comes the confidence to move without worrying about sparking an injury.


Say goodbye to that chronic tightness and that incessant need to stretch!


Get excited to be able to walk and workout without that annoying hip snapping/clicking.


No more stiff & painful hips. Your hips are going to feel so juicy and mobile, you won't recognize them. 

Ready to Join? 

Here's what you get 
when you join 
‘Heal Your Hips’ today!


8 Weeks of strategically planned workouts for you to safely and progressively build your strength. This is the exact process I use with all of my private clients! 


Lifetime Access to the course along with any updates I make. That's right, you will always be able to revisit these workouts. Happy hips for life!


PDF Calendar to hold you accountable


Private Facebook Community for you to get in touch with fellow course takers & a place for you to chat with me everyday & get answers to your most burning questions! (You can always DM me or email me if you aren't a Facebook person)


BONUS: Pilates Foundations — Learn the key foundational principles of Pilates. This is exactly what I teach to all new clients starting out. You will learn about the stabilization, alignment, and movement of the scapula, pelvis, rib cage, head/neck, and the importance of the breath to assist in the engagement of the core muscles. 


BONUS: Foot class — Our Feet directly impact our hips so our ankle strength, mobility, and stability must be addressed too.


BONUS: Beyond Strength & Stability — A challenging workout for our strongest course takers, always here for you to challenge yourself and come back to. To be taken after week 8. 


Each week, you'll get a new email with your workout for the week. These are sequenced strategically to build your strength safely - you can of course revisit past videos and take them as many times as you'd like, but don't skip ahead if you haven't completed a past week. Just take the break and start where you left off.


Foundations Level 1: Start to build your body awareness & learn how to stabilize and support your hips and spine. 


Foundations Level 2: Continue to build a solid foundation of movement & further challenge your core strength & stability.


Strong Center: Improve & explore your hip mobility & core stability. Learn how to isolate the movement from your hips without the spine getting involved to create more movement.


Front and Back Body Balance: Mechanics of standing movement. We will improve your balance, challenge your proprioception, and focus on single leg strength. 


Side Body Awareness: We will build upon the mechanics of standing movement by focusing on the muscles on the side of the hip. Lateral hip stability is paramount to standing, balancing, and walking!


Endurance: Integrating more challenging and prolonged movement based on learnings up to this point.


Next Level Strength: Incorporating bands to further challenge & build upon your strength, endurance, & stability.


Controlled & Open: Piecing together all of the strengthening and mobility progress so you’re free to flow from one move to another. Longer sequences & positions so you’re able to go deeper and move in a more focused way.


BONUS: Beyond Strength & Stability — A challenging workout for our strongest course takers, always here for you to challenge yourself and come back to.

8-week curated program, lifetime access 

You can spend the next 8 weeks trying to figure this out on your own, spending a lot more time than you need to, and making more mistakes than necessary …

Or you can hop into  ‘Heal Your Hips’ and get the shortcut.   

If you really want to have happy, healthy hips that can withstand all the things you want to do in life, you want to join this program. I’ll be there every step of the way to guide you on the path to happy hips.


‘Heal Your Hips’ is perfect for you if…


You're ready to start living a pain-free life once and for all!


You can't wait to finally get the rest that you deserve because your hips are no longer causing pain & keeping you up all night. 


You're ready to get off the couch, and start saying ‘YES' to all of the activities that you've been avoiding for fear of causing pain. 


You're excited to feel strong enough to do the things on your bucket list that you've been putting off for years (hiking, surfing, joining that volleyball league, running that 5k). Let's get you doing it!


You're ready to stop dealing with your hip issues once and for all & truly start living a life that you deserve!

“Alyssa’s Happy Hips class was exactly what I needed.  I haven’t done Pilates in quite a while and to say I was out of practice is an understatement.  This class not only reintroduced Pilates to me but worked my hips, glutes, and core in all the ways my body had been craving.  Alyssa takes you through each exercise demonstrating proper form and technique, so you get the most out of your session.  “Happy Hips” is exactly what I walked away with from this class!”

Jenn B.


I’ve never done Pilates before, is this course suitable for beginners?

Yes! I have systematically designed this course to develop your body awareness, bring attention to your alignment, & progressively build your hip and core strength.

The exercises are suitable for both beginners as well as experienced Pilates practitioners. Modifications are provided throughout the workout & you can always email me with any questions you have as you go through the course. 

Who is ‘Heal Your Hips’ for? 

'Heal Your Hips' is for everyone who wants stronger, healthier hips!  If you are suffering from discomfort or tightness and you want to get back to living your life without limitation, Heal Your Hips will safely guide you as you build your strength, develop your body awareness, correct your muscular imbalances and restore alignment! If you are feeling weak and unstable, seeking to improve your strength and reduce your risk of future injuries so you can accomplish your goals, get back to playing tennis, and finally go on that hike that has been on your bucket list for years, Heal Your Hips is for you! 

Where can I access the videos once I purchase the course?

As soon as you hit “Enroll” and process your payment, you’ll receive instant access to the first class of the program. You will receive a weekly email to keep you on track as you progress through the course. 

What equipment do I need?

You will need a flex-band and two yoga blocks. If you do not have two yoga blocks, you can use two books as long as they are the same size. 

If you need to purchase equipment, I recommend the following brands:


Yoga Blocks

Do I get lifetime access?

Yes! Do not worry if life gets in the way of starting the course, you will have lifetime access so you will be able to start when you are ready. You will also have access to all updates that are made to the course. 

I have a hip replacement, is this course suitable for me?

Always consult with your physician prior to starting a new exercise program. In my experience working with clients who have hip replacements, their restriction is medial(internal) rotation of their hip. In the course, we do some exercises that involve medial rotation, so those exercises would need to be avoided. Be sure to ask your doctor of any exercise restrictions you might have and always feel free to contact me with any questions.

Ok, so how can i access these secrets?

If your hips are keeping you from living the life of your dreams, it is time for a change.


8 week curated program

lifetime access

Need help purchasing or have questions?

Send an email to hello@bodymechanicspilates.com and we will get back to you ASAP